Improving Parks Together
Green Below 14 improves parks, playgrounds, and
open spaces in Manhattan below 14th Street
To donate, inquire about membership or for general inquiries, please email us at info@greenbelow14.org
The Challenge
NYC Parks are Underfunded
New York City directs only 0.55% of its annual expense budget to 29,000 acres of NYC Parks.
Downtown Manhattan is Park Starved
The NYC standard for open space is 2.5 acres per 1,000 residents and downtown Manhattan is well below this standard. Manhattan Community Board 2 and Manhattan Community Board 3 have open space ratios of 0.58 and 0.66 acres per 1,000 residents, respectively.
Our Mission
Who We Are
Green Below 14 is a non-profit organization incorporated in New York State. GB14 promotes community involvement and financial support for the maintenance, development and improvement of parks, playgrounds and other open spaces.
What We Do
Our mission is to improve parks, playgrounds and open space in downtown Manhattan below 14th Street. We are improving parks together with the community.